the fire of culture with a ray of light
to illuminate the way
Modern culture
Why is it important:
Вираження ідентичності:

Culture helps people express their identity, values and beliefs. It creates opportunities for people to feel part of a collective, defining their place in society and fostering personal self-determination.

Розуміння і толерантність:

Cultural development promotes an understanding of diversity and the coexistence of people from different cultures, ethnic groups and religions. It helps to broaden our horizons, expose us to new ideas and perspectives, and contributes to the development of a tolerant and multicultural society.

Інновації і творчість:
Culture stimulates creativity and innovation. It provides a space for the development and expression of ideas, innovative concepts and creative approaches to solving problems. Cultural environments stimulate intellectual development, foster creativity and support ingenuity in various areas of life, such as art, science, technology and business.
Економічний розвиток:
Culture has a significant impact on the economy. It stimulates tourism, artistic and cultural events, trade and other economic activities. Cultural heritage can be a valuable resource for the development of tourism and creative industries, which helps to create jobs and enrich local entrepreneurs.
write to us
Advice to Artists
Modern culture reflects and influences societal and individual values, trends, and identities.

Actuality and relevance: Contemporary culture is constantly changing and evolving. Being aware of the latest trends helps artists stay current and relevant in their work. They can use modern motifs, technologies, concepts, and ideas to create their work, which contributes to their recognition and success.

Interaction with the audience: Knowledge of contemporary culture helps artists connect with their audiences. They can create works that meet the contemporary interests and needs of viewers, listeners, or readers. This helps to attract a wider audience and facilitates successful communication and interaction with them.

Going beyond tradition: Knowledge of contemporary world culture helps young artists to go beyond traditional concepts and create innovative and bold works. They can experiment with new technologies, materials, media formats, and ideas, which helps to develop their creative skills and abilities.

Connection with the international community: Knowledge of contemporary world culture allows artists to engage in dialogue with colleagues and creative communities from different countries. They can take part in international exhibitions, festivals, residencies, and projects, which allows them to exchange ideas, skills, and experiences.

How to familiarize yourself with modern culture and follow its trends

Read and research: Start by reading books, magazines, websites, and blogs about contemporary culture. Explore different fields such as literature, art, film, music, fashion, architecture, etc. Read critical articles, reviews, and interviews with contemporary artists and cultural figures.

Attend exhibitions and festivals: Visit art exhibitions, contemporary art exhibitions, film festivals, music concerts, and other cultural events in your city or region. Explore different forms of expression and creativity and observe new trends and experiments in contemporary culture.

Follow the media: Use social networks, blogs, websites, and media platforms to get updates on new creative projects, exhibitions, films, music albums, and other cultural events. Subscribe to relevant cultural channels, artists, museums and art institutions.

Join communities: Join cultural communities and social media groups where current trends are discussed and opinions are exchanged. Sign up for webinars, lectures, and workshops offered by cultural organizations and universities.

Explore international culture: Explore creativity and cultural processes in other countries. Read literature and articles about world artists, musicians, filmmakers, and other creative personalities. Follow international festivals, exhibitions, and other cultural events.

Be open to new things: Don't be afraid to experiment and open up new horizons. Try to attend events that may seem unusual or incomprehensible to you at first glance. Expand your musical, artistic and cinematic preferences, explore new genres and trends.

Remember that getting to know contemporary culture on your own takes time and a constant interest in new ideas and expressions.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for your contribution to the development of contemporary culture. Your generosity and support are of great importance to us and to the entire community.
Thanks to your charitable contribution, we are able to expand our horizons and grow in the field of culture. You help us to support artists, directors, screenwriters and other creative people who create unique masterpieces of art.
Your contribution helps us organize cultural events, festivals and exhibitions that bring together talented people and inspire audiences with their beauty and depth. You help us to expand access to the arts for all segments of society, creating a space where everyone can experience its power and impact.
Your generosity stimulates the development of talent, helps open up new opportunities for young artists, and contributes to the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage.
Once again, we express our deep gratitude for your contribution to the development of contemporary culture. Your support makes our dream of pushing the boundaries of contemporary culture and making it accessible to all real.
Join our exciting art film club, which meets every Wednesday at 18:30!
Each film club meeting is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the diverse world of cinema, where you can enjoy the best films provided by our partners from world film festivals. It is a chance to see extraordinary films that impress and delight and open up new perspectives and emotions.
Our film club is not only an opportunity to see films in a great atmosphere with like-minded people, but also a chance to discuss them after the screening, share impressions and opinions. This is a place where cinema becomes a catalyst for passion, discussions and new experiences.
Come to our art film club with your friends or on your own to get new emotions and discover the world of cinema, which will give you unforgettable impressions and allow you to deepen your understanding of contemporary cinema.
We are waiting for you every Wednesday at 18:30 for an incredible movie journey!

We invite all our friends and everyone interested to our art space!
You have a unique opportunity to organize various cultural events freely and for free.
It is a place where creativity meets openness, where every idea has the opportunity to become a reality.
Our art space is not only walls, but also a square where you can implement any cultural initiative. Here are just a few ideas to spark your imagination:
  • Art exhibitions: drawings, photographs, sculptures.
  • Master classes and lectures on art, music, dance, etc.
  • Poetry evenings, literary readings and open mics for creative communication.
  • Rehearsals, auditions, etc.
  • Theater productions, performances, improvisations.
This is where your ideas come to life, and we are ready to support your every creative concept. We believe that culture is the force that unites us, so we invite everyone to join us in creating this unique art space! Create, breathe life into your ideas and together we will make this space a source of inspiration for everyone.

We regularly organize screenings of films by contemporary artists, both Ukrainian and foreign (dramas, comedies, sci-fi, thrillers, experimental films, etc.).
Screenings of contemporary works are important for several reasons. Firstly, they give the audience the opportunity to get acquainted with new creative directions and experiments in cinema. Contemporary artists often offer non-standard approaches to stories, make films on topical issues and use innovative techniques, which allows us to see cinema from a different perspective.

Secondly, screenings of contemporary works contribute to the development of cultural diversity and support young talents. They give young directors, screenwriters, actors and other filmmakers a chance to demonstrate their skills and ideas. This contributes to the growth of cinematic art in general and provides a fresh breath in the world of cinema.

Thirdly, screenings of contemporary works encourage discussion and reflection. They often raise topical social, political and ethical issues, which encourages viewers to analyze and discuss the problems facing society. Cinema can be a powerful tool for spreading ideas and encouraging change.

Thus, screenings of contemporary films are an important element of our activities. They provide an opportunity to see the world through the eyes of talented artists, to support cinematic diversity and to make people think about the nature of the modern world.

For questions about placing or purchasing paintings, please contact us.
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Yurii Onyshchenko: an artist who reveals visual beauty in lectures at the RIKA Conversational Integration Club
In today's world, where visuality plays an increasingly important role, understanding and appreciation of visual art are becoming key competencies. People are eager to learn and understand different aspects of art, including cinema, which has an extraordinary power to influence society. Visual art can be a powerful tool for changing worldviews and promoting understanding of cultural diversity.
One of the filmmakers, Yurii Onyshchenko, known for his passion for visual art, gives lectures about cinema at the RIKA Conversational Integration Club, run by the Tenth of April NGO. This club aims to unite people of different nationalities and cultures through common interests in cinema and art.
One of the key aspects of the lectures is to combine cultural diversity with visual art. It showcases films from different countries, showing the diversity of cultures and views on life through the lens of a camera. This contributes to the participants' cultural awareness and broadens their horizons.
In his lectures, Yurii Onyshchenko also emphasizes the technical aspects of cinema. He explains how different cinematic techniques and methods affect the viewer's perception. From lighting to camera movements, he reveals and analyzes the aspects of creating cinematic masterpieces. This helps the audience to understand and appreciate the art of cinema more deeply.
The lectures help to see cinema in a new light, revealing its powerful influence on society and culture. Each lecture is an opportunity to experience the magic of cinema and immerse yourself in its boundless world.
The Tenth of April NGO and their RIKA Conversational Integration Club sincerely welcome everyone who wants to expand their knowledge of cinema and visual art. Through lectures on film art, club members can not only enjoy watching movies, but also gain a deeper understanding and perception of film art. So join RIKA and let cinema change your life.

Hackathon 2.0 "Accelerator of Ideas"
Our team has been selected and invited to the Hackathon 2.0 "Accelerator of Ideas"!
The team consists of members of our organization, members of Veterans HUB ODESA and the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory South.

Our organization fruitfully cooperates with the Southern Interregional Branch of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory.
In the Ukrainian South project, we are working together to create audiovisual content that reflects the rich history, culture, and heritage of the Odesa region. Our cooperation is not only productive, but also significant, as it is aimed at preserving and popularizing national heritage and countering and debunking Russian historical myths.
As part of this project, we are working with the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory to create unique content that tells the story of important events, prominent people, and traditions of the southern regions. Our goal is for everyone to better understand and appreciate the richness and beauty of their country's history and culture.
We are proud of our joint achievement and believe that working together with the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory is of great importance for preserving and passing on the values of the past to future generations. Thank you for the opportunity to work together on this important mission!
Our partners
If you are interested in becoming a partner or sponsor, please contact us.