Our goal is to promote the development of culture and art in Ukraine, as well as to support cultural diversity and the integration of Ukrainian culture into the global cultural space. We recognize the importance of conducting cultural and educational activities, as well as providing comprehensive assistance to all age groups in their development and popularization of creative abilities.
Modern culture plays an extremely important role in Ukraine's development for several reasons.
Creative potential: Modern culture helps to unleash the creative potential of the Ukrainian people. It stimulates innovation, promotes the emergence of new ideas and concepts that contribute to the development of science, technology, art, literature and other fields.
Cultural identity: Modern culture helps Ukrainian society to strengthen its cultural identity. It contributes to the preservation of national heritage, language, traditions and values, and supports a sense of pride in the country.
International prestige: The development of modern culture in Ukraine increases its international prestige. High-quality works of art, films, music, and other cultural products attract the attention of foreign audiences, help popularize Ukraine and strengthen its place in the global cultural sphere.
Development of creative industries: Modern culture is a powerful stimulant for the development of creative industries such as cinema, music, theater, literature, design, etc. This contributes to the creation of new jobs, investment and economic growth.
Social integration: Contemporary culture is a mechanism of social integration. Cultural events, festivals, exhibitions, and other cultural initiatives bring people together, improve intercultural communication, and foster dialogue and mutual understanding.

Thus, modern culture is an integral part of Ukraine's development, which affects all spheres of society and has a significant potential for promoting the country in the international arena.